Heavy-Duty RV Repair Service in Louisville, KY

Did you know that RVs typically incorporate heavy-duty diesel engines and transmissions similar to what you’d find in powerful trucks? That’s why investing in an RV means committing yourself to repair and maintenance services at the right time because these tasks can be intensive. Whether you want us to inspect its components, test the integrated functionalities, repair the engine, or implement standard maintenance, we’ll prepare a customized plan for you.

Diesel mechanic performing RV repairs in Louisville, Kentucky

What If Your RV Won’t Start?

Imagine hitting the open road in your heavy-duty RV, ready for adventure. But, what happens when the engine refuses to start? The ignition system, a malfunctioning part, or a dead battery can be the culprit. At Superior Towing and Fleet Service, we have the tools and know-how to make sure your journey is never interrupted. Whether it's installing a block heater to withstand chilly temperatures, repairing or replacing an alternator or swapping out a battery, we have all the solutions.

Our Services

Drivetrain Maintenance

Proper drivetrain maintenance is key to keeping your RV running like a dream and avoiding costly technical discrepancies or breakdowns. From transmission fluid flushes every 30-60 thousand miles, to transfer case fluid flushes and differential and axle housing fluid changes, we never cut corners when it comes to maintenance. We also regularly inspect your bearings for wear and tear and make the necessary replacements. Regular RV drivetrain maintenance enables you to achieve incredible performance benefits and save money in the long run.

Powertrain Maintenance

Interestingly, the powertrains in found modern RVs are more or less the same as those that come with heavy-duty diesel trucks. With all the weight and gear you pack in, it's no surprise that your RV needs some serious power to keep it running smoothly. Our team replaces the oil and coolant every 12,000 miles and 45,000 miles respectively. Our regular, proactive inspections also help catch any potential problems before they become bigger issues. We also handle other equally important tasks like changing the battery, checking the ignition cables, swapping out the drain plug washer, and replacing the glow plugs. 

Get In Touch

No job is too big or too small for us in terms of RV maintenance. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our team at Superior Towing and Fleet Service in Louisville, Kentucky. 

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